returnee 帰国子女
During her time at Nishimachi International School, our co-founder, Motoyama Toshiko focused on the education of returnees from abroad. As a teacher specializing in linguistics, with experience as an instructor in America, she developed a curriculum for students to maintain and continue to develop the English that they had learned while overseas.
We founded our school with the goal to help returnee students increase and also retain their English speaking skills. When students return it can feel nearly impossible to provide the amount of English exposure that is needed to maintain the language. It is easy to forget many key aspects, such as grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. Simply becoming more natural and fluent in reading and speaking can be difficult when there isn’t enough practice or exposure for the student; and that’s where we come in.
With our native English speaking teachers who specialize in linguistics, we duplicate that English speaking environment the student was immersed in while abroad. Not only is this environment helpful for returnees, but these conditions also provide an excellent training ground to study for entrance exams.
Many of our students find it difficult to improve their English enough in order to pass the entrance exams to their dream school, and we know just how important this is. We will guide and teach your student to improve their English, as well as their test taking abilities, based on the school that they wish to enter.
We are confident that as we work together we can assist in maintaining and enhancing your English skills, molding confident citizens who will surely succeed as they walk into the working world.
言語を母国語として習得できる時期は一般的に12歳前後までと言われ、それ以前に英語圏で生活していた帰国生は、その後の人生も英語を母国語として定着させることができます。帰国後、何もしなければ言葉は忘れていきますが、英語保持クラスは英語のみを話す環境を提供し、Readingを中心に進め、その内容にそったDiscussionを何度も繰り返す訓練をしならがら英語の維持を目指していきます。また、帰国生の興味を継続させるため、Art/Science/Social Studiesのお勉強も取り入れながら、暖かい雰囲気で子供達が話しやすい環境を心がけております。幼い時に帰国なさった子供達でも遊びを通して文字に親しみ読書に強い子に育て、自然に英語の本を読むことを目指し、子供の頃に身に付けたネイティブの発音の能力を高く保つことを目指しています。
帰国子女枠での中学受験・高校受験を目指す帰国生は、英語のエッセイの書き方を論理的に学び模擬面接を実施し、志望校合格に向けた実戦力を養成していきます。ここで大事なことは、「どのように書くのか」よりも、英語で「何を書いたのか」のほうが ずっと大切です。自分の良さ・強さを認識し、「自分らしさ」を前面に出せるようにエッセイを書くことを指導しております。
授業料 ¥25,000~(税抜)
帰国子女 カリキュラム
Re-read book → Topic Introduction → Vocabulary → Dictation → Prediction → Comprehension Discussion → Homework
re-read book
Reviewing will help students feel more comfortable with old material and give them the opportunity to combine topics
which may have been studied separately.
Predictions encourage students to think about reading, and help develop that
"I can’t wait to find out what happens" feeling.
Topic Introduction
Introducing the topic that students will study.
Checking comprehension ensures that our
students are acquiring knowledge from the
texts they are reading!
Students will make a list of
vocabulary words and work on their understanding of each meaning.
Evaluate and discuss ideas, events, and information about the text
Dictation allows students to use their spelling skills in a “real world” application.
Assign homework related to what students have learned.